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Test Suite of Polish Utterances

Treebank/Test Suite of Polish Utterances

Project factsheet

English name:

Treebank/Test Suite of Polish Utterances

Polish name:

Testowy zbiór wyrażeń języka polskiego

Project type:

A EU CRIT-2 subproject (ICS-MM)


15 October 1997 ‒ 14 October 2000

Project Web page:


Principal investigator:

Leonard Bolc

Project description

The objective of this project, part of a larger CRIT-2 project financed by the European Union, was to create a treebank of syntactic structures of Polish sentences using HPSG (Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar) for encoding such structures. Such an HPSG-encoded bank of syntactic structures, or treebank, provides sound linguistic grounds for the evaluation and improvement of formal and computational grammars of Polish, i.e., it can be utilized as a test suite.